Dr.AmelyP. Bizarre Urology 0

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Today I have a visit in my bizarre urology department! The young patient complains of pain in his testicles. First, of course, the patient is examined in detail and a check-up is carried out. After palpating the testicles, I notice slight changes and it quickly becomes clear that I need to take urgent action!

I prescribe urethral vibraion therapy, acupuncture in the glans and a light injection of the testicles.

The intimate area must first be freed of all hair before the therapy can begin, and I always have a lot of fun with acupuncture of the glans! It is extremely exciting to see how well this therapy works on the young slave!

The young patient is surprisingly very souvre and his penis is erect the whole time! Here we also have a clear case of horny neediness! The only thing that helps is regular masturbation!